In light of yesterday's failed insurrection attempt, any political commentary I make is creative commons CC0. I don't care to be attributed, I do care that fascism, and white supremacy ends. If it's a technology or climate story I kindly ask that it be attributed. As, I work on open science for a better climate. Please support via or as I have no funding.
Remember, Trump was hinting about an autogolpe late fall of 2020, yesterday had a failed insurrection from seditionists, militias. Then the domestic terrorists consisting of white supremacists largely just walk out of the Capital and chill in a nearby hotel as if they just went to Disneyland.
For a partial rundown of the events which contribute to the present see the timeline to June of 2020.
In particular, note the links to the most current incarnation of gaslighting and ties to birtherism. Pay attention to Stephen Miller, Steve Bannon, Robert Mercer, and Koch lobbying executive Marc Short. Also look for ties to the Daily Caller, Tucker Carson, Koch institutional monies, Koch lobbing groups, SPN and ALEC.
Extremists roots and how to over come
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